Wearing of uniform in the college campus by students is mandatory. Any student found without uniform is not allowed to attend classes or transact any matter in the college office. The uniform of the college is described below:
i) For Boys: Black trouser (long pant) and light blue shirt.
ii) For Girls: Light blue churidar kurta with white dupatta.
iii) For both Boys and Girls: Black sweater.
i) Every student of the college must strictly maintain discipline either individually or in a body in the college campus. Any student found to have a conduct detrimental to academic environment of the college shall immediately be expelled from the college.
ii) Every student of the college is a member of the Silapathar College Students’ Union and, therefore, he/she will have to participate in any event organized by the union. The Union will have to function within the framework of its constitution.
iii) All notices/posters/banners desired to be circulated on the notice board or elsewhere within the college campus shall require prior permission of the Principal.
iv) The signature of the Principal on the Identity Card must be obtained within 15 days from the date of admission. The Identity Card must be kept in possession by all students in the college campus all the time.
v) All the office bearers of the Students’ Union must submit their audited accounts and allied documents/materials to the Principal at the end of academic session immediately before filling up the forms for examination.
vi) All students including the office bearers of the Union must obtain Library Clearance Certificate from the authority concerned before filling up forms for examination.
vii) Damage or destruction of college properties and involvement in causing disruption of normal functioning of classes is treated as punishable offence which may lead to imposition of fine along with expulsion from the college.
viii) Indecent behaviour by students towards teachers and employees of the college will be seriously dealt with.
ix) Use of drugs, cigar and other narcotic substances is strictly prohibited.
x) Tearing of library books, journals, etc will lead to punishment along with due compensation.
xi) Wearing of uniform in indecent way, bearing of informal haircut etc. are strictly prohibited.
xii) Use of mobile phone is normally not allowed in the college campus.
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